
Alexis dan Maxwell bekerja dengan kelompok

Alexis Sánchez dan Maxwell bergabung dengan tim pertama dalam pelatihan pada hari Selasa saat mereka bersiap-siap untuk pertandingan Piala Super Eropa di Jumat di Monaco, ada 19 pemain sana hari ini.

Alexis dan Maxwell bekerja dengan kelompok

       Foto: Miguel Ruiz-FCB Foto: Miguel Ruiz-FCB Foto: Miguel Ruiz-FCB Foto: Miguel Ruiz-FCB Foto: Miguel Ruiz-FCB Foto: Miguel Ruiz-FCB Foto: Miguel Ruiz-FCB Foto: Miguel Ruiz-FCB

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Pada sesi pertama setelah mengangkat Joan Gamper Trophy (5-0), Josep Guardiola memiliki dua pemain empat hilang kembali Alexis Sánchez dan Maxwell, yang bukan hanya bergabung dalam beberapa kegiatan sebagaimana yang telah mereka lakukan dalam beberapa hari terakhir, menyelesaikan seluruh sesi hari ini.

2011-08-23_ENTRENO_13.JPGGuardiola karena memiliki 19 pemain untuk memilih dari untuk pertandingan melawan Porto pada Jumat. Hanya Puyol dan Afellay, yang bekerja dalam isolasi saat ini, masih tersedia. Tidak ada Barca B pemain yang terlibat dalam latihan hari Selasa.

Sesi pelatihan berikutnya FC Barcelona pada Rabu pukul 19.00 di Nou Camp. Ini akan menjadi sesi terakhir mereka di Barcelona sebelum melakukan perjalanan ke Monaco pada Kamis.

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FC Barcelona untuk menggunakan kode QR untuk mempromosikan Fans Barca

'Menggambar untuk kemeja ditandatangani oleh pemain tim pertama untuk semua orang yang mendaftar sebagai Fans Barca di website www.fcbfans.com menggunakan teknologi mobile'.

Fans Barca, komunitas resmi untuk penggemar di seluruh duniaFans Barca, komunitas resmi untuk penggemar FC Barcelona di seluruh dunia kini memiliki lebih dari 549.234 anggota (Agustus 1 data), yang menikmati berbagai macam manfaat yang luar biasa. Angka ini, ditambahkan untuk mengikuti besar Barca di Facebook (hampir 20 juta penggemar) dan Twitter (dengan lebih dari 3 juta pengikut tiga rekening @ fcbarcelona_cat, @ fcbarcelona_es i @ fcbarcelona), telah membuat sentimen Barca fenomena global. Dalam beberapa pekan terakhir, Fans Barca telah berkembang dalam mode yang luar biasa tidak hanya di Spanyol tetapi juga Amerika Serikat, Kolombia, Venezuela, Meksiko, India, Polandia dan Maroko.FC Barcelona telah menempatkan beberapa poster dengan kode QR di sekitar lingkungan kampus. Klub ingin memberi semua orang yang mengunjungi Nou Camp kesempatan untuk memenangkan kemeja ditandatangani oleh skuad tim sepak bola pertama. Semua mereka harus lakukan adalah mendaftar sebagai Fans Barca (www.fcbfans.com) di ponsel mereka antara Agustus 9 dan 15 September. Kode QR adalah sebuah generasi terbaru teknologi mobile dengan gambar grafis yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan secara otomatis ke situs Fans Barca, komunitas global penggemar FC Barcelona. Dalam rangka untuk mengambil bagian, peserta akan membutuhkan Smartphone dengan kamera dan detektor QR.
QR_BARxAFANS_cara.jpgHowever, penggemar yang tidak memiliki sebuah Smartphone masih dapat mengambil bagian dalam kompetisi dengan mendaftarkan secara langsung di alamat berikut: http://www.fcbarcelona.cat/web/catala/zona-fcb/promo/
Poster QR hitam dan putih dapat dilihat di kantor tiket, yang megastore kasir meja dan masuk ke Museum, sedangkan kemeja pendatang bersaing untuk dipajang tepat di luar pintu masuk Pengalaman Nou Camp.
Bahkan, penggemar yang mengunjungi Pengalaman Camp Nou sudah bertanya apa yang harus mereka lakukan untuk memenangkan kemeja ditandatangani oleh pemenang La Liga dan Liga Champions.
Menarik akan berlangsung pada 20 September sebelum notaris, tapi ini bukan satu-satunya bahwa Barça penggemar dari seluruh dunia bisa mendapatkan keuntungan dari. Menjadi Fan Barca berarti menikmati berbagai macam keuntungan: newsletter, aplikasi mobile, screensaver interaktif, dll

Rosell: "Sekarang adalah waktu untuk mengucapkan selamat kepada pemain kami dan menikmati judul"

FC Barcelona Presiden melihat kembali pada musim 2010/11 di Suporter Klub Kongres ke-32 dan berbicara positif tentang semua kegiatan olahraga di klub.

Foto: Alex Caparrós-FCB Foto: Alex Caparrós-FCB Foto: Alex Caparrós-FCB Foto: Alex Caparrós-FCB Foto: Alex Caparrós-FCB Foto: Alex Caparrós-FCB Foto: Alex Caparrós-FCB Foto: Alex Caparrós-FCB Foto: alex Caparrós-FCB Foto: Alex Caparrós-FCB
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Sandro Rosell memulai pidatonya dengan mengatakan bahwa "Dewan memenuhi syarat pekerjaan sebagai sangat baik". Ia menghabiskan beberapa menit penumpukan pujian pada kedua tim sepak bola dan empat lainnya bagian profesional, dan juga regu amatir dan pemuda, yang telah diperkuat oleh kehadiran Masia baru, yang disebut Pusat Tort Oriol Pelatihan.
Perbaikan dalam bidang ekonomi dan patrimonial
2011-08-22_32_CONGRES_MUNDIAL_DE_PB_004.jpgThere juga bagus baru dalam arti keuangan. "Meskipun investasi di Masia, kami telah membuat perbaikan dan sembuh aset. Kami telah menghentikan sementara ke rekualifikasi dari Miniestadi. Kami tidak ingin menjual dan ingin untuk tetap menjadi bagian dari aset tetap kami "Rosell mengakui bahwa beberapa" langkah-langkah penghematan ekstrim "telah diimplementasikan karena kebutuhan untuk" melihat setelah uang kami, seperti orang tua dan kakek nenek kita. mengajarkan kita, terutama ketika itu bukan uang Anda sendiri ".
Dipulihkan kelembagaan hubungan
Rosell juga senang untuk mengatakan bahwa "kita telah pulih hubungan baik dengan semua lembaga. Itu tidak mudah, tapi kita berpikir kita telah berhasil mengakhiri dengan jumlah berlebihan politik terkait dengan klub "Presiden berpikir itu adalah penting untuk menjaga hubungan baik tersebut untuk menghadapi perubahan yang akan datang, yang meliputi. baru Palau Blaugrana, sebuah Camp Nou ditingkatkan dan mesin baru di Rink Ice.
Super Spanyol setelah
2011-08-22_32_CONGRES_MUNDIAL_DE_PB_013.jpgRosell ingin menempatkan kontroversi Supercup belakangnya. Pada pengajuan pengaduan resmi terhadap Jose Mourinho, ia mengatakan "kami memutuskan untuk tidak membuat satu setelah berbicara dengan Direktur Olahraga Sepakbola Profesional, Andoni Zubizarreta, pelatih Josep Guardiola dan asistennya, Tito Vilanova. Kami sepakat bahwa adalah hal terbaik untuk dilakukan. Minggu ini kami memiliki pertandingan Supercup Eropa dan yang penting kita tidak ingin orang-orang berbicara tentang hal lain ".
Presiden berbicara lama sebelum munculnya Cesc dan Alexis di Palau de Congressos, dan menyebutkan Vilanova, korban utama adegan jelek Rabu. "Dia meminta kami untuk tidak mengambil masalah lebih lanjut", katanya. "Opini publik telah membuat dirinya jelas. Jelas bahwa apa yang orang ini lakukan adalah salah dan yang telah dikatakan. Tidak hanya itu, tetapi pihak berwenang sedang berlibur sekarang dan keluhan yang dibuat tentang tindakan yang mungkin terjadi atau tidak. Dalam kasus ini, jelas apa yang terjadi, dan Federasi akan mengambil tindakan jika ingin ".
Perlu untuk tenang
2011-08-17_PARTIDO_38.JPGThe presiden berakhir dengan berbicara tentang sebuah insiden di Madrid, ketika batu dilemparkan ke bis Barca pada saat kedatangan di Bernabéu Santiago. "Itu menunjukkan bahwa situasi ini tidak baik. Hal ini tidak baik dalam hal masyarakat, atau hubungan di dunia olahraga. Kita harus tetap sadar, mengurangi permusuhan, dan membuat hal-hal yang lebih tenang, atau kalau tidak kita akan berakhir saling membunuh di jalan. Ini bukan kita yang memiliki masalah, itu mereka ", katanya. "Hati kami ingin satu hal, tapi ketenangan hati kita telah menuntut sesuatu yang lain. Sekarang adalah waktu untuk mengucapkan selamat kepada pemain kami, menikmati judul dan melupakan masalah ini ".

Cesc: "Aku masih harus banyak belajar"

Catalan, yang memulai pertandingan dengan Napoli, mencetak gol pertamanya untuk Barca dan mengaku ia bangga melakukannya.

Joan Gamper Trophy sesuai dengan Napoli adalah pertandingan kedua Cesc, dan yang pertama dalam starting eleven. Dan ia dirayakan dengan gol pertamanya bagi Barca sejak penandatanganan bagi klub pekan lalu. Namun dia mengatakan dia akan ingat selamanya "seperti yang saya ingat gol terakhir saya mencetak gol untuk tim junior Barca".

Serikat skuad

Cesc yang benar-benar menikmati kembali dengan begitu banyak teman, dan mengatakan kepada "El Marcador" program di Barca TV yang Dia juga memuji Messi, mengatakan ia belum pernah melihat pemain sangat menyukainya dan menambahkan bahwa "skuad tampaknya lebih bersatu dari sebelumnya." "serikat membangun kekuatan dan yang jelas menunjukkan di lapangan".

Praktik untuk Eropa Supercup

Menurut Fabregas, "tahun ini kami memiliki banyak tantangan dan pertama adalah pada Jumat ... tapi saya berharap untuk terus meningkatkan dan menikmati diri dengan tim." Gamper ini merupakan ajang pengujian yang sangat baik sebelum Supercup Eropa, tetapi Cesc masih merasa "saya harus banyak belajar".


Mascherano: "Piala Super tidak akan meletakkan penanda untuk sisa musim"

Berbicara pada konferensi pers sebelum sesi latihan malam ini, Javier Mascherano menegaskan bahwa hasil dari Piala Super Spanyol tidak akan meletakkan penanda untuk sisa musim ini, sementara menerima pentingnya bentrokan.

Pemain 'MogokPesepakbola Profesional Spanyol Association (AFE) hari ini mengumumkan bahwa mereka telah mengumumkan pemogokan selama dua minggu pertama musim Liga Spanyol dalam upaya untuk mendapatkan kesepakatan kolektif mereka ditandatangani. Mascherano mengatakan kepada wartawan bahwa kapten Carles Puyol, yang menghadiri pertemuan yang memutuskan untuk mengambil tindakan, akan menjelaskan situasi itu kepada sisa skuad: "tapi mari kita berharap bahwa kita dapat mencapai solusi cepat dan liga dapat mulai seperti yang direncanakan ".Sebuah pertandingan antara Real Madrid dan Barca selalu penting, tidak peduli pada titik di musim itu terjadi dan meskipun menerima bahwa skuad Argentina itu masih sedikit pendek persiapan pra-musim, namun menegaskan: "terlepas dari bentuk yang kita bisa dalam, ini adalah permainan derby dan ada judul dipertaruhkan "
Mascherano sendiri tidak kembali dari libur musim panas sampai Senin ini, setelah mencari di Copa America, dan tidak sampai malam ini akan ia memiliki kesempatan untuk berlatih dengan skuad lengkap, sebagai hasil dari pertandingan internasional minggu ini.
Nilai judul Piala Super
Minggu malam pukul sepuluh musim 2011-12 melihat kick off dengan leg pertama Piala Super Spanyol di Bernabeu, namun Mascherano memperhitungkan hasilnya: "tidak akan berpengaruh besar pada sisa musim ini, meskipun kemenangan akan memberikan siapa pun yang menang mengambil dorongan ".
2011-08-11_ENTRENO_05.JPGAlthough dia hanya berada di bawah perintah Guardiola kurang dari seminggu, Mascherano ingin meyakinkan bos bahwa dia siap untuk bermain pada hari Minggu dan bahkan slot di setengah pusat jika diperlukan: "Saya merasa senang karena meskipun Aku hanya kembali beberapa hari lalu, saya melakukan sedikit pelatihan tentang liburan saya ". Javier juga berkomentar bahwa temannya dan sesama Argentina Leo Messi: "tampaknya ia tidak berlibur sama sekali-dia merasa sempurna dalam pelatihan".
"Anda tidak bisa mempertanyakan kualitas Cesc itu"
Dengan kemungkinan Cesc Fabregas bergabung dengan salah satu Klub titik berbicara besar di media massa hari ini, Mascherano secara alami meminta pendapatnya tentang orang Arsenal, yang ia menghadapi sejumlah kali ketika dia di Liverpool sendiri dan setelah menjelaskan bahwa dia yakin Catalan memang akan bergabung Klub, ia berkomentar: "Anda tidak bisa mempertanyakan kualitasnya sebagai pemain sepakbola. Dia pemain hebat ".
Negosiasi yang berlarut-larut untuk Cesc membawa kembali kenangan transfer sendiri setahun yang lalu dan Mascherano menjelaskan: "dari saat pertama bahwa Barça menunjukkan minat pada saya, saya jelas bahwa saya ingin datang ke sini dan musim lalu menunjukkan bahwa aku benar mengambil langkah yang saya lakukan ".
Alexis harus sesuai dengan mudah
Adapun penandatanganan besar Barca telah membuat musim panas ini, Mascherano yakin bahwa Alexis Sánchez akan beradaptasi dengan cepat ke Club barunya: "Pengalaman saya adalah bahwa ia tidak akan merasa sulit-dia akan datang ke dalam kelompok yang spektakuler dan dia juga memiliki keuntungan memiliki bekerja dengan Bielsa yang mirip dengan taktis Guardiola, jadi dia akan tahu sistem kami ".

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From Villa’s first league to Maxwell’s seventh

Almost all the Barça players have already won a league title, either for Barça or for somebody else. Only Villa and Adriano have never won one, while Maxwell has the most with seven.
From Villa’s first league to Maxwell’s seventh
Barça and Pep Guardiola have won their third league title in a row to further expand the legacy on display in the FCB Club Museum. In 111 years, Barcelona have now celebrated 21 league titles. But it’s not just about the club, the achievement has also extended the players’ individual honours.

First leagues for Villa and Adriano
2010-12-18_PARTIDO_24.JPGThere are just two players in the first team that had never won a league before. The first is David Villa, who has spent eight seasons in the first division with Valencia and Zaragoza, and has finally got to celebrate the title with Barcelona. The other is Adriano Correia, who didn’t win a domestic championship with any of his previous clubs.

Maxwell in seventh heaven
At the other end of the spectrum we find Maxwell. No member of the current squad can boast as many league titles as he can. He started with Ajax (2001/02 and 2003/04), then got three more with Inter Milan (2006/07, 2007/08 and 2008/09) and this was his second win as a Barça player.

First FCB titles for Afellay and Mascherano
Afellay and Mascherano are celebrating their first honours as FC Barcelona players, as neither arrived at the club in time to enjoy the Spanish Super Cup win at the start of the campaign. But the Dutchman has won four league titles before, all of them with PSV Eindhoven and Mascherano won the Brazilian league with Corinthians and one Closing Tournament with River Plate.

Messi and Iniesta make it to five
2010-10-23_PARTIDO_13.JPGXavi Hernández is the only FCB player that has participated in all of the last six league title winning seasons, but Valdés, Puyol, Iniesta and Messi are close behind with five each. However, what’s particularly impressive is the fact that the latter two are so young that we can expect to see them win plenty more titles in the coming years. Messi only turned 24 in June and Andrés Iniesta will turn 27 this Wednesday May 11. To already have five league titles so early in their careers is quite extraordinary.

A league for the reserves
Barça have had an amazing season, and we should not also forget that so many members of the B team have come forward to help out when needed and all of them have done brilliantly. Such are the cases of Fontàs, Thiago, Montoya, Nolito and Jonathan dos Santos, who have all contributed to this league title. And now the title has been decided, there is every chance that Guardiola will honour them with the chance to play in some of the remaining matches.

Captain Puyol: “It is a very important title”

Carles Puyol has said after tonight’s game in Valencia that now is the time to celebrate the league title they have won. “It is a very important title and afterwards we can rest and start preparing for the final at Wembley”, he said.
Captain Puyol: “It is a very important title”
Seydou Keita, who scored Barça’s only goal tonight added that “it is a very important day for Barcelona fans. Now we have the Champions League final to come, which is very important for this club. I dedicate it to my wife, my children and all Barcelona fans.”

The following are other statements made tonight by FC Barcelona players.

“We have worked hard against a strong rival in Madrid.”

“Now is the time to celebrate it.”

“This title shows how hungry this team is.”

“We have fought as hard as we can and we deserve it”

“It has been a very difficult year and the fans know that. Today we can celebrate to the maximum. It has been a hard-fought title and now’s the time for celebrations.”

“It has been very hard. Of the ones I’ve won I’d say it’s been the hardest league of all.”

“It has been very tough in terms of the media, but we have managed to isolate ourselves very well.”

“Now we can celebrate in Barcelona.”

“I am very, very happy.”

“It is different, because of the importance of winning the league with the first team.”

“Yes, I do believe it. Now we’ll celebrate it like we should.”

“A title always feels good and this league has been very difficult to win. This team deserves so much merit. I want to congratulate all Barça supporters.”

“The fans deserve it.”

“We are very happy. Now’s the time to enjoy the league.”

“It all happens so fast you get no time to enjoy it.”

“You have to make the maximum effort to win the league.”

“Now is the time to celebrate.”

Third league in a row for Guardiola

FC Barcelona have won their 21st league title, and it’s now three-out-of-three for manager Josep Guardiola, who has produced a winning style that has amazed the footballing world.
Third league in a row for Guardiola
It is two decades since a Barça team was born that featured a young Josep Guardiola in midfield, and which astounded the world with its vibrant attacking style. That Dream Team won four consecutive leagues, but also created a new blend of football that has now become the Camp Nou trademark. It’s a new way of understanding football, which involves possession, combination plays and a focus on attacking rather than defending. The football that has now become the FC Barcelona identity.

Twenty years on, and Guardiola is continuing his work in the role of manager, and the club is once again flying high at the top of world football. In just three years he has won as many league titles, and nine major honours in total. As he never tires of telling us in his press conferences, the only thing that ultimately needs to matter in football is “attack, attack and attack.”

Second three-season streak
2011-05-11_PARTIDO_19.JPGOnly Johan Cruyff’s Barça can claim to have won three titles in a row, which eventually became four, so there is no arguing that what Guardiola and his players have done is quite some achievement. And he is to be merited even more for managing to do that in his first three seasons in charge. Cruyff didn’t get his hands on the league trophy until his third year at the club.

Rijkaard’s legacy
Several coaches worked at the club between Guardiola’s time as a player and his return as manager (Robson, Van Gaal, Serra Ferrer, Rexach, Antic and Rijkaard), but the one who played the greatest role in returning the Barça style to its former glory was Frank Rijkaard, who won two leagues and one Champions League and spread the gospel of constant pressure inside the opposition’s half. Guardiola picked up where he left off and perfected the project, turning the team into a veritable goal machine (this season they have almost made it to 150) and also bagging title after title. The third league in a row is just the latest in a series of astonishing achievements.

Mia Hamm’s ‘This is Barça’ report goes online

‘This is Barça’ is the latest edition of the ‘Porta 104’ programme on Barça TV, in which Mia Hamm, one of the most famous female footballers ever, speaks about why Barça is more than a club.
Mia Hamm, living legend of women’s football
Although she retired in 2004, Mia Hamm is still an important figure in the women’s game. She was already shining as a teenager, making her debut for Team USA at the tender age of 15. She went on to make her name at the University of North Carolina and is now considered the finest female footballer ever to come out of the United States. She was twice voted FIFA World Player, won two World Cups and scored a record 158 international goals.
Fighting, committed, competitive, caring and self-sufficient, FC Barcelona is more than a club. What started as a slogan has become a consolidated part of the Barça identity. Because she understands this so well, in 2009, Mia Hamm, considered one of the finest women footballers ever, became an ambassador for FC Barcelona. Barça TV joined Mia Hamm on her last trip to the city, and over two days recorded the ‘This is Barça’ documentary, the latest edition of ‘Porta 104’, in which the American lady speaks about why Barça is more than a club. The show will be broadcast for the first time on Thursday August 4 at 23.00. But the world premiere will be on Monday when the show goes online, specifically on the club website, social networks and the Barça YouTube channel.

“Barça represents excellence, which is what I aspire to”
Having always been an admirer of the Barça style, the American is still learning the secrets of the Barça method in order to spread their word to her compatriots, who see FC Barcelona as the model to follow: “Barça represents excellence, which is what I aspire to every day. I try to be a better mother, a better wife, a better person... Forming part of the Barça family and learning new things means everything to me”.

Piqué: “I feel more and more proud of this club”

Following the agreement signed with the Fundación Pies Descalzos, Gerard Piqué gave an exclusive interview to Barça TV and www.fcbarcelona.cat in which he spoke about the club’s philosophy and the values football can provide.
Gerard Piqué said the agreement between FC Barcelona’s Foundation and the Fundación Pies Descalzos is another step towards Barça being a caring club beyond the field of play. Piqué feels that solidarity among the players, playing as a team and respecting the rules of the game are a part of Barça life on and off the pitch.

What does today mean to you? "It’s a big day. I think we have done something good for children, and we have to feel proud of that."

2011-08-01_FUNDACION_54.JPGWhat does collaborating with the Fundación Pies Descalzos mean to you? "We always try to help children through sport, through football, I think we have to give a hand and now we can through the FC Barcelona Foundation and Fundación Pies Descalzos. Coming here, helping, spending a little time with children, and I’m sure they’re thrilled … and promoting the values of sport a bit, in this case the values of football."

Personally, what has football taught you? "It has given me a lot. Since a was small, playing with a team and needing to observe a set of values, and knowing that there are rules to the game, and also solidarity with your team mates, being a team … and promoting that. I think sport and football give a lot. "

2011-08-01_FUNDACION_73.JPGOn this tour you have met important people like Bill Gates and Kobe Bryant. All of these meetings show what the club is like right now. "Yes, thanks to football and the other sports teams, we have won lots of titles. Barça is more and more important around the world, even here in the United States, where it seems to be all the more difficult, because soccer not so famous but it seems that we are making more and more of an impact and Barça are the leaders at doing that right now."

With Barça involved in projects like this, does it make you even more proud of the badge, of the shirt? "I’ve been a Barça fan since I was a kid, and I’ve always been proud of my club, but now I feel even prouder, and not just because of what happens on the pitch. Now it’s not because we play well, but because I think we behave perfectly off the pitch, and apart from that, the Club, because of its strength, tries to help."

Shakira: “The recipe of football and education is infallible”

The FC Barcelona Foundation and the Fundación Pies Descalzos will work together to foster education for vulnerable children. Shakira, its founder, has explained that football can be used to build a future for these young people.
‘The value of having values’. That slogan that was revealed when Barça won la Liga and the Champions League has become stronger on this US tour. Because aside from the games being played by the first team, FC Barcelona has also found time for the most vulnerable sectors of society and has been involved in several important agreements this week.

On Thursday they were in Washington signing an agreement with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and on Monday in Miami the FC Barcelona Foundation was at the University of Miami to unveil its collaboration agreement with the Fundación Pies Descalzos set up by the Colombian singer Shakira.

Sport for education
2011-08-01_FUNDACION_02.JPGA number of boys and girls and plenty of people from the media, including about 30 TV channels, were there to watch the event featuring Shakira with Barça players Piqué, Puyol and Busquets, and the vice president of the FC Barcelona Foundation, Ramon Pont, and former footballer and Barça ambassador for the USA, Mia Hamm. Also attending were vice presidents Josep Maria Bartomeu and Jordi Cardoner, plus directors Josep Ramon Vidal-Abarca, Dídac Lee and Ramon Cierco.

The aim was to talk about the importance of sport, and football in particular for the education of young people. As Shakira said “education is important. And education with football is even better for promoting integration”.

Barça set example
Shakira admitted that thanks to Piqué “I have learned what sport means. Respect for the rules, discipline, reaching targets, building dreams and making them come true.” She also said that at Barça “there are different nationalities, beliefs, idiosyncrasies … but what matters is the unity of wearing the same shirt. And I dream that humanity can wear the same shirt, which is that of giving children a chance”. Given all the values that Barça represents, Shakira has found that football is a means to educating future generations. “The recipe of football and education is infallible. Every child should have a book and a ball” she said.

An extraordinary opportunity
Involvement with famous people from around the world is one of the ways for FC Barcelona’s agreements to produce results. That is what the vice president of the FC Barcelona Foundation, Ramon Pont, said, explaining that “collaborating with Shakira is an extraordinary opportunity”. Pont also said that Barça “is more than a club because it has a heart, energy and sentiments”.

nyonya puque

Presentation of the agreement with the Fundació Pies Descalzos

The Fundació FC Barcelona and the Fundación Pies Descalzos presented their joint project “Football for the development of youth and healthy living” in Miami on Monday night.
Presentation of the agreement with the  Fundació Pies Descalzos The project was launched in the presence of Shakira and Barça players Piqué, Puyol, Busquets and Affellay at the Newman Alumni Center of the University of Miami.

Projects in Colombia and USA
The cooperation agreement between the two foundations was signed on February 17th this year and includes the building of sporting and recreational spaces in Cartagena, Colombia and in Miami. The aim is to benefit the most vulnerable children in Colombia and the Hispanic community in the States, who run a high risk of social exclusion.

Targeting child poverty
The project is targeting the 28.441 youngsters who live around the North Point , 4,409 of whom are children living below the poverty line and are made up of 46% of Cuban origin 22% from Colombia, 12% of Nicaraguan origin, 8% from Venezuela and 12% from other countries.

The project
The project will be developed with the Greater Miami YMCA at the North Point Centre in Dade County, where there are precious few few educational resources of this type and where the YMCA opened its centre two months ago.

The project will provide resources to convert the centre into a sports hall to implement the project of education and development through football. The project will be implemented in coordination with the US Soccer Foundation and the Greater Miami YMCA. The fundamental values which will be worked on are fair play, team work, winning with humility and losing with dignity and respect for the rules of the game.

Jeffren given permission to go to Portugal

Jeffren Suárez will leave Barça’s US Tour today to travel to Barcelona where he will negotiate his transfer to Sporting CP.
Jeffren given permission to go to Portugal
During his press conference in Miami, Pep Guardiola confirmed that the young forward had been given leave to leave the Tour and travel to Lisbon to negotiate with Sporting CP.

The secrets of football

Andrés Iniesta and Sergio Busquets talked to a group of aspiring youngsters in Miami today and tried to explain some of the secrets of becoming a top professional.
Barça are the in team right now and everyone wants to know what it is that makes them tick and produce the fantastic football they have given us over the last few years. If those secrets can be explained by two of the Club’s biggest stars - Andrés Iniesta and Sergio Busquets, who boast five Champions League winners medals between them – it’s going to be a special treat.

That’s what happened in an event organised by Nike this morning at the Soccer Locker shop in Miami. Kids from two local teams - Miami Springs Virginia Gardens and Strike Force, got the chance to hear the two Barça stars after training this morning and there was also time for the usual autograph and photo session.

Footballing values
2011-08-01_NIKE_07.JPGIniesta reminded the kids of the importance of “always training with interest and desire: “watch carefully what professionals do and try to follow that” as well as stressing the importance of a good education and respect: “in order to get to the heights of playing for a first division team”.

Busquets, who joined the Club aged 16, insisted: “when you are that age you always like playing football, but your studies, passing exams and enjoying yourself are also important”. The midfielder went on: “playing with the best players in the world makes everything easier”, whilst reserving praise for Pep Guardiola: “he’s a great coach who loves to control all the details about our team and our rivals”.

Iniesta: “it’s a privilege to wear this shirt”
Iniesta was asked what Barça, a club he joined when he was just 12, meant to him and he as quick to reply: “for us Barça is our lives. We’ve been here for so long that it’s something we’ve felt since we were little. It’s a privilege to wear this shirt!”.

Keita on the Super Cup: “it’s important to start on a winning note”

Seydou Keita is focussed on working hard in the pre-season, but he was prepared to look ahead a fortnight or so and insisted that for the Spanish Super Cup game against Real Madrid “it’s important to start on a winning note”.
Keita on the Super Cup: “it’s important to start on a winning note” After Monday’s first training session in Miami, Seydou Keita spoke to the media and insisted on the importance of getting the season off to a winning start when the team take on Real Madrid in the final of the Spanish Super Cup in a couple of weeks time.

“Obviously, it’s not a World Cup Final, but a game against Real Madrid is always important, both for the fans and for us players. It’s a final and both teams will want to win. What’s more, it’s the first official competition in the season and it’s always important to start on a winning note”.

Competition in midfield
The Mali player also expressed himself happy with his pre-season fitness, explaining: “I always like to look after myself in the holidays” and when he was quizzed about the effect of a possible signing of Cesc Fabregas, he insisted that he wasn’t worried about the competition: “it’s normal that there is competition for places in a great team like this with so many good players. Competition is always good in a team and that is what FC Barcelona is about”.

Finally, Keita responded to a question about the possibility that Jeffren could move to Sporting: “he’s a good friend and I’ve spoken with him, but I can’t say anything about it- I’m sure if he does move, you people in the media will soon hear about it”.

Barça train in Miami

Barça trained at the Cobb Stadium at the University of Miami this morning –their first session in the second stage of their US Tour – as they prepare for Thursday’s game against Chivas de Guadalajara.
Barça train in Miami The pre-season training continues for Guardiola’s players, who this morning worked out at the Cobb Stadium, University of Miami, a University famous for its American Football teams.

The session was held in hot and humid conditions and the players were happy for the slight drizzle which fell at one point, as they worked out in front of plenty of fans who’d come to see their heroes close up.

Seven players and Puyol train apart
2011-08-01_ENTRENO_08.JPGSeven of the players who figured in the defeat to Manchester United, and who have also been putting in most minutes in the pre-season –Iniesta, Villa, Fontàs, Thiago, Keita, Sergio Busquets and Pedro– all worked apart from the rest of the group, as did Carles Puyol once more as he worked on his recovery from his knee operation.

Afellay stays at the hotel
2011-08-01_ENTRENO_11.JPGAfellay, who picked up a thigh injury against United and is set to miss the next four or five weeks, stayed at the team hotel to work on his recovery.

Deulofeu and Sergi Gómez join up on Tuesday
From Tuesday, the squad will be strengthened by the presence of Gerard Deulofeu and Sergi Gómez, who will fly in from Rumania where they are involved in the European under-19 final this Monday.